Thank you for applying with AREA Texas and Realty Management for your housing needs. In order to better serve you, 我们认为有必要让您了解并充分了解我们的申请流程和筛选标准.
ATR 我们致力于平等住房,我们完全遵守联邦公平住房法(FFHA)。. We do not discriminate against persons because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, or age. We also comply with all state and local fair housing laws. We offer application forms to everyone who requests one.
MUST READ!!! - Before going any further in applying for this home - there is a $75.00 application fee per adult to complete this application. 所有年满18岁的人都必须填写一份申请,并提交75美元的押金.00 non-refundable application fee.
We do not pre-screen applications. 申请人需要根据以下标准对自己进行预筛选,并需要满足以下要求. 如果你觉得你符合这些最低要求,我们鼓励你申请.
Multiple applications may be taken for the same property, the most qualified applicant will be selected.
APPLICATION Process & Screening Criteria:
We require with your application, a copy of your government issued I.D., copy of your last 3 months pay stubs, 如果适用的话,每个财产的每只宠物的照片将在财产上.
Identification - 每位申请人须提供一份清晰的政府发出的第一号照片副本.D. card.
Income Verification - 收入应至少是月租金的三倍,并可从公正的来源核实:雇主通过工资单, tax returns, and/or bank statements. 自雇收入也可以通过注册会计师编制的财务报表或纳税申报表进行核实. 你的工作经历应该反映出你在现在的雇主工作了至少6个月.
调动或搬迁必须有信件显示接受的工作机会. 不符合上述就业或入息要求的申请人,必须提交储蓄户口结算单,显示其最低平均结余相等于过去6个月8个月的租金.
Employment - We require verifiable employment. If you are self-employed, retired, or not employed, we can accept such documents as signed tax returns (2 years minimum), bank statements, etc., that provide proof of the applicant's ability to pay the rent. If military, we need a current copy of your LES. If you are active-duty military, you must be on an assignment that, to the best of your knowledge, will allow you to complete an initial 12-month lease.
Residence History - We require verifiable residence. 申请人有责任提供包括姓名在内的信息, 赌lol比赛app的地址和电话号码,以及过去3-5年的租赁日期. Rental history must be verified from unbiased sources. (不能来自家庭或亲戚)房屋所有权将从当前的信用报告中进行验证. 在过去5年内的驱逐将自动成为拒绝的理由. 违反租约将视具体情况而定,并可能需要额外的保证金.
Credit History - We will obtain a copy of your credit report from Experian. You cannot provide this to us; we will obtain these ourselves. 信用记录应该表明居民按时支付了账单,没有债务“注销”的历史或已经进入催收的账户. Money owed to a previous Client or utility company is cause for denial. Residency may also be denied due to poor credit history.
Criminal, Sex Offense, and Terrorist Database Check - We will check these databases for all occupants 18 years old and older. We do not rent to any person required to register as a sex offender. Criminal backgrounds involving violent crimes, prostitution, 家庭暴力和/或涉及持有武器或非法物品都是拒绝申请的理由.
**An exception may be made for type and or age of offense, please provide details to the Property Manager.
Rental Criteria for Pets
Owner Reserves the right to change Pet Restrictions and Pet Deposits. Pet policies vary from one homeowner to another. 一些主人不允许养宠物,而另一些主人则限制宠物的种类和/或大小. 未经特定主人批准,每户最多只能养两只宠物. 财产保险公司不允许某些特定品种,无论是纯种还是杂交品种. Therefore, 以下品种的狗全部或部分将被拒绝:秋田犬, American Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Mastiff, Chow, Doberman, German Shepherd, Husky, Presa Canario, Pit Bull, Siberian Husky, Staffordshire Terrier, "Wolf Dog'', Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler and any combination of these.
居民如歪曲上述任何类型的狗,将被驱逐, as well as for being in possession of any poisonous, dangerous, endangered species or otherwise illegal pet.
我们需要与您的应用程序,每个宠物的照片,将是在财产. .
Site Unseen Application and Approval. It is possible to apply for the home, be approved, 还没见过我们的房子就签了租赁协议. In such a scenario, 我们要求获得批准的入住居民签署租赁协议的未见现场附录.
Lease Preparation Fee: $100 There is a lease preparation fee of $100 per lease agreement to prepare, forward, and offer the convenience of electronic signatures.
Acknowledgement and Representation
签署租赁申请(电子)表明您已经有机会审查赌lol比赛app的居民选择标准, which is listed above and available upon request. 居民的选择标准可能包括犯罪历史等因素, credit history, current income and rental history.
2. 申请人明白,如提供不准确或不完整的资料,其申请将被拒绝及任何申请费将被没收. 这也可能是在签署后宣布申请人违反租约的理由.
3. 申请人声明在申请表上所作的陈述是真实和完整的.